Community Events

Full Moon

Sound Bath &

Women’s Ritual

Join us for a 30 minute sound bath in nature followed by a releasing ritual that includes a journal & burn, primal scream and dancing in the moonlight. In total the event duration is about 90 minutes.

Held every month exclusively for women at South Ponto Beach in Carlsbad, CA on the Full Moon (weather permitting). Please bring a mat/towel to lay on, blanket, socks, journal & writing utensil. Dress warmly and arrive early to find parking.

**$40 ticket price

Upcoming Dates:

Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 6:15pm

**October will be the last Full Moon event for the year before we go on Winter Break. Full Moon events will resume in April 2025.

New Moon

Sound Bath

**Currently on hold as we search for a new location to host this monthly offering.

Know of a great space? Let us know!

Join us for an hour of self care each month on the New Moon, including a 45 minute meditative sound bath followed by intention setting through journaling. Please bring a yoga mat and anything that makes you feel more comfortable during a sound bath such as a blanket, pillow, eye pillow, etc.

**$25 ticket price

Upcoming Dates:

Stay tuned for updates…

Golden Circle:

An Evening of Connection, Sound and Breathing with Flowers

Join Full Circle Sound Healing and Golden Goddess CBD Wellness in partnership with a private farmstead in Encinitas, CA for an evening of connection, sound and breathing with flowers. A night exclusively for women to be in community.

This is a special event you will absolutely not want to miss!

**$111 ticket price

Upcoming Dates:

**Stay tuned for our next Golden Circle event date announcement - coming January 2025!

And most importantly for all events…


Bring an open mind and positive attitude of wanting to connect with yourself, your community and your Creator. Let us honor the beautiful Moon and the connection we have to it. When we tap into that and connect with the vibration of nature, we connect with our Creator, and being in community with sound amplifies these energetic vibrations to allow us access to higher levels of consciousness and connectedness to who we authentically are and were created to be.


Radiate What You Seek.