My Journey


Hi, I’m Mary!

I’m a sound practitioner based in Carlsbad, CA. I’m also a mom, a wife, a believer and a recovering people pleaser who was living from a place of “should” rather than a place of “could”  before I stumbled into my awakening journey. 

About a year after having my son I began having symptoms of depression, a loss of a sense of identity and an increasing sense of being knocked off my center in such a huge way that I began to feel like I never knew who I was at my core in the first place. This “dark night of the soul” journey is one that I will always be grateful for because it has led me to a place of incredible transformation.

This journey led me to sound healing, which has helped to reduce anxiety, release me from depression, childhood trauma, generational trauma/patterns as well as resulted in a massive perspective shift that has led me back to my truest, most authentic self - who God created me to be.

I’ve come full circle back to the person I was before I became so conditioned, and my soul is filled with joy, love, and light from a perspective of gratitude, having gathered the tools to help cultivate this in a life lived in the stressful modern society that is the current world. Now, my mission is to radiate that out to others through my work, and help start that full circle process for my clients. Music has always been my passion in life, and to bring this powerful sound healing modality to others is my sincere honor. 

I am here to support you along your own unique path, and I am honored to be on this journey with you!

xo Mary

** Click the link below to learn more about my personal journey and about sound healing in general by listening to a podcast I was a guest on:

Grey Matters Now Podcast Episode 38: Resonating with Full Circle Sound Healing


Radiate what you seek.