Frequently Asked Questions


What is sound healing?

Sound healing utilizes the vibrational frequencies of healing instruments such as crystal alchemy singing bowls and chimes to entrain with and resonate in the body, allowing it to access a restful and meditative state provided by our parasympathetic nervous system. When we set our intentions and energy toward something, the chemical make-up in our bodies shifts and creates either a state of homeostasis, of ease - or of DIS-ease. The idea that where our energy goes grows is not just an idea, it’s science - and through modalities such as sound healing we can help retrain neural pathways within the brain, heal our bodies at a cellular level and get our nervous systems to come back to a state of homeostasis much faster and much more often. Sound healing helps us push pause, reset and be able to push start again from a new perspective and with a new lens.

What are the benefits of sound healing?

Some of the countless benefits provided by sound healing include:

  • Reduction in stress, depression & anxiety

  • Achieving a meditative state

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved creativity 

  • Improved vagal tone

  • Access to higher consciousness

  • Alleviate pain

  • Center & refocus toward your goals

How frequently do you recommend sessions?

This will be different for every person based on your own unique healing needs and where you are in your healing journey/self-care routine. One session each week over the course of one month can be beneficial when you start your healing journey to tap into the benefits of multiple sessions. This allows for observation and awareness of what changes their consistency brings into your life and then allows you to adjust the frequency of sessions from there. Only you know what your needs are and sometimes you just need an energy tune-up to reconnect you to your self and your creator.

Do I need to bring anything?

All that you need to bring is yourself, an open mind and an open heart. If desired you are welcomed to bring some of your own items to enhance the session/your comfort and personalize it to your own unique perspective and needs. Items such as essential oils, eye mask, crystals, special blanket, socks, etc. are welcomed.

Where can I find other informative info?

Listen to this podcast episode to hear more about Mary’s journey to sound healing and sound healing itself:

Radiate What You Seek